Book an IT Audit with an Award-Winning Managed IT Service Provider (MSP)

A health-check for your IT

Conducting an IT audit can be a time-consuming manual task or require investment in IT auditing software. Our small business IT audit provides an in-depth analysis of your information technology infrastructure and security measures.

We'll deliver an audit report detailing the robustness of your technical infrastructure, the strength of your security measures, and your network's performance. The audit team will then make recommendations to overcome any issues, achieve Cyber Essentials compliance, and drive your business forward.

We can help you:

  • Build a picture of your current IT setup: If you need to get to grips with your current setup, we can help you streamline or rationalise your systems.
  • Identify weaknesses and risk: Find gaps and weaknesses in your infrastructure and ensure that the latest antivirus and threat management tools and updates are running.
  • Reduce IT support issues: Ensure all computers are running accepted versions of software, patching is up-to-date, and your systems are uniform across the organisation.
  • Solve performance problems: An audit can identify poor network optimisation, resolve connectivity problems, and troubleshoot slow server or workstation performance.
  • Get the best from your systems: Use an IT audit to move forward and improve your systems' agility, efficacy, and performance.
  • Meet Cyber Essentials compliance: Our audit includes all the basic security controls of the UK government’s Cyber Essentials standard, plus additional controls we've developed over the years.

Enquire about an IT Audit

What Does the Netitude Audit Include?

  • Comprehensive review of your information technology infrastructure
  • Evaluation of general controls and systems development practices
  • Detailed assessment of systems and applications
  • Ensuring compliance with industry standards
  • Thorough evaluation of access control mechanisms, systems and processes
  • Integration with financial statements

An IT Audit helps you:

Understand your current position

Whether you’re a small business owner or a large corporation, it’s essential to identify if your business processes and systems are working efficiently and effectively to achieve your business objectives. Our internal audit assessments allow us to understand your current position, systems, challenges, and goals.

With a comprehensive small business IT audit, your business will be well-equipped to navigate the digitally-driven tech landscape that encompasses the modern business world

Service Delievery Director in a meeting with colleagues not pictured
Engineer setting up a laptop on a build desk

Overcome performance and IT issues

Identifying the cause of downtime or slow performance can significantly boost productivity and staff morale. By auditing your entire information technology infrastructure, we can highlight issues and identify ways to improve your IT systems and business efficiency.

Increase your security measures and business processes

Our comprehensive audit report can pinpoint weaknesses and gaps in your infrastructure and test to see if the cybersecurity safeguards in place are up to scratch with our information technology audit. Our audit team cover all the basic security controls of the UK government’s Cyber Essentials standard, plus some extra controls we have learned through years of protecting businesses like yours.

Engineer stood behind his desk with him

Comprehensive IT Audit Services for Small Business Owners

Internal Audit of Your IT Infrastructure

Assessing General Controls

Reviewing Systems and Applications

Ensuring Compliance

Evaluating Access Control

Financial Statements Integration

Our IT Auditing process

Our assessment is non-intrusive, so no one needs to stop working or turn anything off.

Review meeting

A member of our team will meet with you to gain an understanding of your business, any relevant history, and the reasons for your current IT infrastructure.


Perform assessment

We will then carry out the physical audit of your IT systems (on and offsite) using industry-leading tools and benchmark your IT infrastructure against current industry best practice. We'll also gather user feedback.


Gather findings and build a report

Then we'll review and pull together a report complete with our findings and recommendations for how to align your business technology to needs and security standards.


Presentation of reports and findings

Finally, we'll report back with our findings and outline the current position of your IT systems, identifying any gaps, risks and suggestions for possible improvements. For example, we can determine whether or not everything is operating efficiently, whether your assets are safe, and whether IT contributes to your business objectives.


What we cover in your Audit

Our IT Audits deliver a highly detailed report to build a true picture of your current position. During an Audit, we check the following:

  • Backup & Disaster Recovery
  • Backup Coverage
  • Recovery Time
  • Firewall Security
  • Updates & Patch Status
  • Age & Warranty of Hardware
  • Email, Intranet & File Sharing
  • Internet Access
  • Telephony
  • Infrastructure
  • Cabling
  • Software Standardisation
  • Password Policy
  • Remote Access
  • Licensing
  • Line of Business Applications
  • Asset Register

Find the right IT partner with our guide

No two IT support partners are the same. So if you want to find one that’s reliable, proactive and driven to improve efficiency, you need to know the right questions to ask.
Download this guide to ensure you choose the partner that will help you grow.

What our clients say

BR Hodgson Logo

“We found the process of working with Netitude very good, in fact, excellent. They have done exactly what they promised; audited our IT infrastructure first and then pointed out the problems and created a plan to remedy it over time.”

Faith Parker
HR Director | B R Hodgson

Book an IT Audit As Your Foundation for Success

Whatever your requirements for IT, you need to know where you currently stand before you can successfully grow and thrive. An IT audit will help you analyse current strengths and weaknesses, overcome IT issues and build a foundation for growth and success.

Are you ready to thrive? At Netitude, we run a thorough audit with both tools and expert overside to provide you with a full report on where you stand and how to get to where you want to go. Get in touch today to get started!

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Fancy a chat?

If you’d like to find out more about our IT audits, book a call and start your journey to better IT today.