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Save thousands on broadband connection in Bristol

Written by Adam Harling | 09-Jun-2015 23:00:00

If you are a Bristol-based SME, do you know that you can benefit from major reductions on a high-speed broadband connection? This also applies to registered charities, social enterprises and sole traders.

A scheme where you can claim connection vouchers worth up to £3000 for faster, better broadband is in place but it is a first-come, first served offer, never better illustrating why high speed is important in business! People can claim capital or equipment costs for getting better, faster connections. This is a government-backed initiative called the Broadband Connection Vouchers scheme.

Claim your broadband

The scheme is relevant to 50 cities in the UK, including Bristol, South Gloucestershire, Bath & NE Somerset and North Somerset, administered through registered suppliers.

If you want to qualify for a voucher, you need to get a bespoke quote or get a pre-registered package from a relevant supplier in your area. If you do choose a bespoke option you will need to complete an application through your city. It’s also possible for applicants to club together with their vouchers, combining the amount of funding available in order to improve a connection to a shared building or business park.

Business advantage

James Durie, Executive Director of Bristol Chamber of Commerce at Business West was reported to say: “Being better connected is very important for businesses to operate properly and can help level the playing field between smaller and larger organisations. It creates better access to markets locally, nationally and internationally, and anything which enables business to function better should be welcomed. There isn’t exactly a wealth of grants available for businesses, so I’d encourage firms to look really hard at this offer.”

We’ll second that!

Click or more information on IT Support in Bristol.

Click or more information on IT Support in Bath.