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Briefing Overview: Power BI & The Modern Workplace

Written by Daniel Strain | 18-Feb-2020 00:00:00

Didn’t manage to make our Power BI & The Modern Workplace breakfast briefing? Here’s an overview for you!

We hosted our breakfast briefing at the wonderful Bath & West Showground, in the Conference Suite of the Rural Enterprise Centre. An excellent venue with everything we needed (including free parking), Emma, our host was brilliant and set everything up before we’d even arrived, including the wonderful breakfast pastries! – If you’re planning an event and are yet to pick a venue, I would highly recommend Bath & West!

Doors opened at 7:45 am for our guests, who were greeted by Client Strategy Manager & Virtual IT Director, Josh Bradley! Guests enjoyed some time to grab some food and a drink while chatting to other guests and members of the staff before the briefing kicked off!

Love your data with Power BI

Clearly Cloudy’s Shailan Chudasama started the briefing with an introduction to Power BI and dove straight into an interactive demo to walk us through how to get started with the business reporting tool.

Guests learnt how to put together interactive dashboards with customisable and easy to digest data to display how your team, department, product (whatever you want) is performing. Shailan spoke about the almost endless list of programs you can plug in to create your dashboards, Excel being the biggest and widest used! If you can use Excel, Power BI won’t be difficult to get to grips with.

Love your Teams with The Modern Workplace

Teams and SharePoint, most people are using or have at least dabbled in the programs! We know that implementing new software can be difficult, especially when you don’t fully understand how to use them or your team are used to working a certain way. Our very own Robin Mayo and his glamorous assistant David West showed our guests how to use the programs to increase business productivity!

Robin began by breaking down what The Modern Desktop is and how it’s used, including Netitude’s journey to mastering Microsoft’s products. Robin and David gave a live demonstration of how to set us Teams, including your “team channels” sharing files and more. In the same demo, they spoke about the power-house that is SharePoint and how you can use it to access your documents from anywhere (with WiFi) and work on them as a team, at the same time.

Of course, the afternoon ended with a little bit of networking and a lot of questions!

What did our guests think?

At the end of the briefing, we asked guests to fill out a small form to gather feedback on what we did well, and what we could do better next time!

Our wonderful guests were asked to rate the whole event out of 10 (1 being awful, 10 being excellent) we achieved an average score of 9.4/10! A 0.4 improvement on the last Power BI & The Modern Workplace briefing.

When asked if they felt like they had a better understanding of how to use Power BI, Teams and SharePoint, guests “Strongly Agreed” or “Agreed” with the statement.

100% of guests said they would recommend future events to friends or colleagues and said they were “Very Likely” or “Likely” to attend future events!

Further feedback included comments like:

“Good concise information, very good!”

“Very informative and easy to understand”

“Excellent demonstration of BI & Teams”